"Allaah will help a person so long as he helps his brother" (HR. Muslim no.2699)
“The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain” (HR. Bukhari no.481, Muslim no.2585)
Dear brother and sister, we invite you to help the earthquake's victims to pass this difficulty. Help them by donate here, and we'll distribute it to them, inshaaAllah.
Make your donation to:
Donation via BNI UGM Yogyakarta : 0154416741 - Emma Ulifa
Donation via BCA Yogyakrta : 037-2770641 - Larasati
Please confirm your donation by contacts us using the number or Yahoo! Messenger ID below:
1. Syarif Mustaqim:: 085643266668
2. Abu Hasan Putra:: via ID Ym:: mhasan_fadhilah
Maa Kaana Lillahi Abqoo
“Everything which is done just because of ALLAH, will be everlasting...”
Yogyakarta, October 1th 2009
1. Syarif Mustaqim:: 085643266668
2. Abu Hasan Putra:: via ID Ym:: mhasan_fadhilah
Maa Kaana Lillahi Abqoo
“Everything which is done just because of ALLAH, will be everlasting...”
Yogyakarta, October 1th 2009